Matcha DNA Green Tea

This month I was able to ty something I never knew exsisted till recently. Now I am a huge tea lover and its not just the basic blacks I like its the herbal blends and the green teas. Other than the crystalized tea one uses to make iced tea I thought all tea had to be made by bag, strainer or flowering teas so the idea of a powdered green tea that could be used in multiple forms interested me. Matcha DNA sent me a bag of 34 little bags to try out. I read the intructions and first went well why do I have to heat the cup up first. I found out the hard way it does make a difference on heating the cup up first. The cup I did not preheat before making the powder did not disolve fully and stayed as a slurry in the bottom. I added more hot water and ended up with a second cup of tea and that fixed it. Matcha DNA green tea My favorite way of drinking this tea is to add a touch of honey. Not only is drinking green tea good for your health adding the touch of honey help...