TeeSpring cusom shirts for fun or non profit

   This website is easy and simple to use to order custom shirts that you can design. Whether it be a big job or medium job as the lowest end they  this is the perfect place for you to go. The possiblities are endless.

  The best part about this there is no out of pocket cost as the shirts are not printed until the total amount is sold and one can launch a campaign for up to three weeks. You can still have shirts sold past your goal and not worry about not having enough or too little which is great if your non profit like a school or for a cause.

 The steps at TeeSpring are very simple. One picks out the type of shirt , then the color of the shirt. Sizing is taken care of when each person orders. After picking out the text both style and wording , one sets the price for the shirt over the cost of making it so can make money towards the goal one is trying to make,

  I personally launched a campaign to go towards something near and dear to my heart. Pancreatic cancer awareness as my mother passed away. It is not a cancer one hears about often as the cure rate is very low as it is a harder cancer to catch. My shirt I designed is based off a tattoo design my sister came up with as a memorial to her. Pancreatic Cancer Awareness. I am hoping I get sales of it so can donate anything made towards getting a cure for this.


  1. That is a great idea to raise money! I hope you are able to get sales on the Shirt you made. Good Luck!

  2. Hi ,
    i’ll introduct you one Teespring campaigns software of Dave Guindon, it help you a lot to make campaigns easy – right time & right modern , lets check it out



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