Net 10.. More like Net 0

    I started with Net 10 phone service not quite a year ago come this February. My reasoning when I got the phone was I wanted a way for my children, their schools and anyone else needed to get in touch with us if we had to go out. The phone and the service I had gotten at the time was a great deal I believe I paid $25 for my blackberry type phone and had while down there got 200 mins a month for either $10 or $15 a month I forget .

  Then in July 2013 we moved back up to NY and for a few months I kept the same number but then noticed some places would not pick up or call back a long distance number. There popped up my first hassle with the company. I had gotten told I would need a new SIM card so they could give me a NY exchange number so I waited patiently. To my surprise when they swapped the number they forgot to give me my remaining minutes but after calling them back from another phone an internet based ones I was able to get my minutes back with a semi hassle.

   Come December time my phone started to not keep its charge. At first I thought it was the charger so I went out and bought a new charger. It showed charging yet it did not hold a charge. So I thought battery and changed that out no change. So I call Net 10 as the phone had a 1 year guarantee  on it.Then the real fun began.

  First I got told I was a bring your own phone customer even though I bought my phone from them. I describe the problem which is the charging port on the phone not working. They ask me if I tried a new charger, battery or even another outlet. I told them I even tried another house and the phone did not keep charged. I then got told to try to call them from another phone and to stand in the ROAD & FLAG DOWN CARS if needed. I got upset at that point and my husband got on the phone. We then got told WE had to buy another phone and pay to get it activated even though we had current service. We had asked them if they could do something simple like transfer the service over to another phone and they told us we had to pay to activate it and buy a SIM card.They told me this and then closed the ticket I had on Christmas because I did not get back within 12 hours because I was spending the holiday with inlaws.

   I finally get a new ticket open and them to notice hey my phone is covered they owe me a new phone. So I wait get the new phone and even though I requested the same number they gave me a new one. Their reasoning, they said I activated it from a different zip code than the last 315 number they gave me . Really? My house moved itself to a new zip code at the same address as the number it had before. So since they sent me a new phone they deactivated the old phone and the number. I get told again they will change it to the right number they just needed to send me another SIM card because they could not use the one they activated with the wrong number. So I wait and no card. I make yet another ticket to be told they sent me a SIM card but never notified me. I also had to make a payment this month and they told me to do it on the new phone because it would transfer over. I get the new SIM card and low and behold the phone I had just paid 28.88 for a months service that they had given me 2 numbers not the one I requested to be ported over got deactivated. Out of the 1000 mins I had gotten I used 40 on talk with service agents asking why they did not transfer.

  Guess what happened with the card they sent me? They said they activated it to the phone they told me they could not activated December 26th. At this point it is the 17th of January they are getting back to a ticket from December? I tell them the phone is not active and ask for a refund of my money. I get told they don't refund phone cards. I never bought a phone card it was debited off my account. I then get told again that they need to send me yet another SIM card and they are "sorry" for any problems it may cause me.

    As a mom of 4 I need a phone for them, the schools and the drs. Not to mention other important places. My father was in the hospital most of that time and his person to call having no phone was not good. I even ended up in the ER myself due to my health issues. In the end this phone company has insulted me , stole my money and left me with no phone service. I have made 12 tickets, had 4 online support chats, multiple phone calls and chats on Facebook both in message and in chat. I got insulted , given the run around and no remorse given for a problem that has lasted over a month. So my last words are if you want a phone company where you are throwing your cash down a well use NET 10. But not me not anymore . A poorer , sadder but wiser person.


  1. How horrible! I think at one time we were looking at them because we got wronged by T-Mobile, but ended up going to Sprint. I hope you also make a complaint with the BBB. Hope things get better for you!

  2. Terrible customer service! Thanks for sharing your story ~ I will never even think about NET 10 and I will for sure tell others about your terrible service.

  3. ugh. i hate poor customer service. i've been on iphone with straight talk for almost 2 years and it's awesome. they use verizon air time for iphone ,and att air time for all other phones. it's been great

    1. And your lucky if you get someone that understands English. I went 1 step ABOVE the manager and that is when they deactivated the phone wit the 960 minutes on it & told me I was out of luck on getting my cash or even minutes back I'm going to H2O they have an unlimited phone/text plan for 30/mnth i think
      or see what Straight Talk has

  4. Thanks for the warning on this company! I'm glad we have stayed with Sprint!

  5. I think that everyone of those cellular phone service providers have something left to be desired. If only I weren't so dependent!

  6. I don't think we even have Net10 in my city. Sounds like a nightmare. I had many problems when I used Cricket. The price was great but the service was beyond bad. I'd rather pay a little more and get good service.

  7. This sounds like a bad experience. I hope you have found a better alternative.

  8. I have them and I'm looking to go to the free phone with ca state program these people are horrible. I can use the money in other places thanks for sharing

    1. The free phone is great if you need is sparingly I go through 250 mins in 2 weeks between calls from schools, drs and places I need to call I spent one day on hold for 30 mins with social security

  9. I am so sorry that this happened to you!

  10. That sounds like a real hassle. I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of service.

  11. I am so sorry you had to go through all of that. I have been through hassles with Sprint, and I am still a customer. As far as I can tell, no matter which company you use, you are going to have some struggles, because they have the technology and we need it. Or at least we believe we need it. I know I need it in my mind. I have been with Sprint since 1998, and in this last year I have had more problems with them than it is clearly worth to continue to deal with them. The reason I haven’t changed services is that I am sure at some point I will have similar issues with any other reputable cell phone carrier, because I haven’t seen one carrier who hasn’t presented issues with customers at some point. It’s despicable and capitalism at its worst. It really reflects what causes our country to keep experiencing crashes in different markets -- housing, banking, automobile.

  12. That is awful. Sorry u had to go thru all that hassle.

  13. Wow this is crazy! Great customer service - I mean that sarcastically!

  14. I have never heard of Net 10 but it sounds like a major hassle.

  15. I wish I could afford a contract phone service but being on a fixed income I can only afford 30/mnth and no contract places have that for that cheap for unlimited phone. But I need a phone I can bring out with me & get texts because as said I use my phone a lot

  16. That is such horrible customer service! They don't even care to make it right with you, that's awful.

  17. I am so sorry that you had such issues with them. I have never heard of them before and maybe the reason was the bad customer service!

  18. What a horrible customer service experience :( I've been with Tmobile for the last 10 years, so glad I haven't left yet.

  19. I'm so sorry you had such horrible service. I've actually been a customer of theirs for years and never had a problem!

  20. Wow, sorry you couldn't get one person to take ownership to work with you until the end. It is truly disappointing to see how bad this experience was.

  21. That is horrible service on their part, and conducted in very poor taste. I am sorry that you had to experience this, and I hope you find a plan that suits you and your family well.

  22. That is the worse service I've ever had of from a phone company. I usually stick with the well known companies although they're expensive.

  23. What horrible service. Glad I'm not with them.

  24. That was way more hassle than you ever should have to deal with. What a total pain!

  25. WOW! So unfortunate of your experience. I haven't heard others having issues with them - good to know.

  26. We looked into Net10 but did not see very many good reviews on them. Reading this just confirms that! I can not believe they told you to flag down a car! I would of cancelled service right then and there. My mom uses Tmobile and never had a problem- she is month by month as well. Good luck in your search for a new phone!


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