Nutra-Lift Herbal Non soap

    I must say when I got to try this I wasn't sure what to think by the name .Herbal non soap cleanser ,what a novel idea wondering how well something without soap would work.

   It came by Fedex fairly fast shipping after I got the notice it was shipped out. my 15 yr old daughter got given the package and opened it while I was out running errands.

   When I got home she had already opened the package and taken a smell of the bottle. In her words " It smells so good it smells bad" , and then proceeded to use it when she took her shower for the night. Its now all she will use to wash her face.

   Me , I smelled it and it has a citrus smell to me , strong enough to smell but not too overpowering. I next look at the ingredients and to my surprise the first ingredient is aloe vera gel so I knew it would be good for my skin. I liked the listing of all the other organically grown ingredients in this also.

   Now for my trial by fire. I get my face wet, later and keep it on for the 30 seconds having taken the time to do the skin patch test. My face feels so much better than using body wash like I normally did before. I have also used this even though it says for just face as an all over body wash because it just smells so good and makes my skin feel soft. I wish they sold this in bulk because I would stock up.


  1. I have never heard of this before! I would love to try it though and am headed to their site to check it out! I love citrus scented products! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I know personally I love fruit scented things but never thought I would like citrus stuff to wash with. Its very light

  2. I need this non soap cleanser for my teenage boy and me..He is too curious of his face. The fruit scent is what I like most about this cleanser. will check this out. thanks

  3. Non-Soap, how cool! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. I love citrus smelling soaps, makes me feel extra clean. I've never heard of this company either, but fantastic to know about it now. Anything that energizes the skin I'm all for.

  5. Citrus is an awesome smell and i love the "non-soap" idea. Never heard of the company but i think this is great

  6. I soo want to try this item!! I LOVE citrus...well almost anything and I am a skin care item collecting fool!


  8. I love citrus smells, and the non soap aspect is wonderful. Soap always dries me out. great review.

  9. My boyfriend has issues with washing his face with soap. This sounds like something he could actually use. Thanks!

    1. i hear him on that. most soaps make my face itch

  10. Sounds refreshing! Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love all natural soaps! Great review!


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