Van's Natural Foods

    The first thing I must say about the foods from the brand of Van's is I wish they came in the bakery section. The reason why is this when I picked up 2 types of waffles, waffle sticks,pancakes and 3 packages of  English muffins my kids wanted to tear into the food at once until I told them they had to wait till they got home.

  On getting home within 2 days they finished everything except the muffins because they loved how they tasted. The types of waffles had been apple cinnamon and Belgium, though spouse was upset he did not get to try any of the waffles so I had to go back and buy him another package. Myself all I got to try had been the muffins and loved the taste even if I'm not a big fan of frozen muffins. 

 As far as the ingredients they are all natural and I had originally thought that would make them taste off as some do but these are great. The only thing it took getting used to is the muffins seem to have a higher fiber content than I am used to.Another good factor is these products are reasonably priced when compared to other big named breakfast products.

   My final verdict is Van's has something everyone will love and I'm extremely happy this company gave me a chance to try these by sending me coupons.


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