90 day weight loss challenge HCG drops

It started out great . The drops are easy to swallow and the bottles they come in are perfect to reuse to put massage oils or any liquid in. I have lost inches all over my body in the first few weeks and the biggest was going down 4 inches in my waist. My biggest suggestion for improvement at this point is adding something to take away the alcohol flavor. The method of the weight loss helper by under the tongue is a novel one as most diet aids come in pill form. This is ideal for those that want diet helpers in a more concentrated or liquid form as most diet pills are huge. Another good thing about this is I have not noticed and side effects like those that have caffeine as the caffeine has made me pass out from those. At current time I am still doing the diet though my weight and waist size have gone up due to medical issues that will have me in the hospital on Dec 20th. I am still losing inches in other needed areas. I know what was added will quickly come back off. This is one of the easiest diets I have been on as yet.


  1. I've heard of these drops and wondered about them. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  2. Nice to know about these drops. Did you have to change your diet at all?


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