New Year New You giveaway

 In taking in most people resolution's of losing weight here is a small giveaway to help with that goal. 3 winners will each win a bottle of HCG 1234 along with support in aiding them with that goal.

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I plan on losing 100% of the baby weight ive gained once I have my baby

  2. My goal is to lose 10 more pounds! I have been doing the hog diet and am very happy with it so far.

  3. My goal is to lose 20lbs, it's not easy :(

  4. Of course I need to lose some weight but want to have fun doing so!

  5. to get back to my gastric bypass basics lose my regain n finally get to my goal!

  6. To finally lose those last 15 pounds

  7. my weight goal is to lose 55 lbs

  8. I have managed to loose (and keep off!) 60lbs over the course of the last year and a half. I am ALMOST to my 'happy weight' of 135. My happy weight is not what "they" say I should be, but what I feel healthy and happy at (plus, I love the way my rear looks in jeans!!) I am 25lbs away from that goal! That's my weight loss goal!!!

    Sandling All Day


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