Wearever underclothes and Buster Brown socks

   Now as a 34 married mom of 4 there are some things I never thought about having at this age. I already knew with my sensitivity to normal socks finding a good sock that I could wear was a challenge. I never expected to have a problem with feminine leakage as I thought that was for much older women.

   Other than the normal awkwardness of buying suck products and not being very comfortable or facing the challenge of sudden clothes changes I found Wearever products. I was lucky to be able to test out a pair of the black lacy ones the site has. http://www.weareverincontinence.com/. Not only do they have many nice styles for men or women the pair I got was much more comfortable than I thought it would be. Not only are these cheaper to buy than disposable they are good for the environment. My best suggestion for myself for future purchases is to buy a larger package as 1 is just not enough for someone with asthma and my issues. My only suggestion for this type of product is to have more colors and have the lining match as the white can stain. A good plus also is they are not any difference in thickness than normal underclothes or at least much of one to my husband's eyes. Which counts to me after being married 16 years to look good for him.

   My favorite out of what I tested was the 3 pack of the socks.
I hate wearing socks as most bind up on my ankles but if I don't between my toes cracks opens. These socks are utterly perfect for those that do not like socks or can't stand the compression normal socks give. I got these also in black as to be honest that is my favorite color. I enjoyed these so much a few nights I ended up sleeping with them on and hunting through my bed in the morning to find them.

   My only wish was to see how the bedding works as one knows sometimes things happen in your sleep or you just need a bedliner which on second thought is good for both adults and children with what that works for. 

   This a great company where the products more than live up to their name and value. As someone who normally can only afford the cheapest of products I say these are more than worth saving up to get as you save more in the long run than you would spend.


  1. I always seem to lay down in bed with socks on & within minutes I'm pulling them off with my toes. Of course as soon as I get out of bed my feet are freezing. I might have to try those out!

  2. I love their products. I too hate that I needed the undergarments during pregnancy and was so glad they were available.

  3. These socks sound great! Im always losing my socks! I really need to buy a few new pair thank you for letting us know about these! I am off to check them out!

  4. The socks sounds amazing! I hate it when my socks bunch up and these sound like the perfect solution! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Thank you for the info. At 35 I suffer from very small leakage because I have a small bladder and having children ( and c sections)is what started it all...so now when i have a cold and cough sometimes I have bladder leakage. I do not like having to wear pads all the time because they are big and bulky.

    As for the socks...I would jsut like a pair that stays up without cutting off my circulation. :-)


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