What being a blogger means to me

   I know many people blog for different reasons. Some because they like a place to vent off steam, some to talk about products they like and others for recipes or sales.

  Myself , the main reason why I do this (even though sometimes life gets in the way of me blogging as much as I want) is that I want to feel useful by earning things to at least make up the monthly cost of the internet and things that catch my fancy be it rants, recipes or reviews and giveaways.

  I got the idea to start blogging when I saw folks do awesome things with their blogs. After over a year I am still working on how to better my blog so I can get more things to review as there are so many things I want to try for myself, or for my husband or 4 children.

  I have had things assumed about me and my family that are not true. I hate not being able to hold a job outside of the household and my other half does have an income even if we do not have much money for extras. We get all the bills paid the beginning of every month. My children have clothes (decent) on their back, they are clean and well fed. I got called names by some just because my hubby was helping out at a club for some extra cash to get wheels. I never spent more than $5 a night which was out of what he earned. He took me with him to get me out of the house and I enjoyed watching the show. And because he took me so I could get out and he could make sure I was ok it was assumed I was there drinking.

  I made a FaceBook fan page because it helps me get my blog posts out there. I try to do fair reviews of anything I get to try and I feel like I am doing something for my family. I love to write and try new things. I wish I had the finances to do more giveaways as making someone happy makes me happy. Do I have much luck myself in giveaway, no not really but they are fun and if I win something for my children it is beautiful. Blogging is something I enjoy , its just the getting things to blog about can be hard. It is a relaxing experience and can be very much fun to do. I know I get behind on blogging between kids, health and just the fact my laptop is shared. Things have to get better on this as up is the only way to go and life is nothing without hope and a good attitude.


  1. Blogging can be many things to many people. I think you are doing the exact right thing... using your blog as YOUR outlet. Keep doing what you are doing... and do NOT let idiots that think they are going to tell YOU how to live your life get you down. BIG huggies to you.

  2. Thanks I just wish I could do better on getting things to review. I see all these folks get things all the time and I rarely get responses to my pitches.

  3. Try not to let others bother you. Most people are judgmental and rude and you just have to ignore it.

    Do what you enjoy and keep working at it. Good things will come.

  4. Us bloggers need to stick together! Keep your head up high and focus on you! don't let others get you down, your blog is great!

  5. I for one love the variety on your blog! So let the haters hate as long as you're doing something that makes you feel good.


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