Pine Bros Softish Throat Drops Review

Now that the colder weather is here, I sometimes reflect back to the winters when I was a kid. Waiting for the school bus, bundled up from head to toe, there was one thing that I relished the whole day through...the package of cherry-flavored cough drops that were stashed in either my backpack or pocket. I absolutely loved the flavor so much, that I couldn't resist crunching them up in a matter of seconds. Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops have been soothing America's throats for over 140 years. My favorite of the 4 flavors ,Honey, Wild Cherry, and Licorice the honey was my favorite.

They are sold in economy size bags and convenient and refillable pucks, which are perfect for toting around in your handbag, car or backpack. I was ready to experience these softish and chewy lozenges for myself and love what I discovered! The Wild Cherry flavor was superb...not too overpowering, but definitely tasty. I also enjoyed the overall shape of the Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops. The honey flavor makes you if your not careful eat it like candy.

It was fun to play with this throat drop in my mouth while I sucked on it to soothe my scratchy throat. The softish, chewy consistence also ensured that I didn't just crunch the lozenge up within seconds of putting it in my mouth, like I do still some days.

Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops are also made from natural ingredients and contain only 5 calories per drop. Here's the complete list of ingredients for the Wild Cherry throat drops: Gum Acacia, Sugar, Corn Syrup, Glycerine, Citric Acid, Natural Flavor, Colored with Elderberry Concentrate, Sunflower Oil and Caranuba Wax. I love ingesting products which contain ingredients I can actually pronounce! With winter approaching quickly, I highly recommend trying the Pine Bros. Softish Throat Drops for yourself. Soothe your cough the yummy and delicious way with Pine Bros.! I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. This is good information to know...thank you for sharing! I'm one of those who crunches up the lozenge before it does any good too!

  2. Timely post as I have a sore throat. Thanks.


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