Pet Urine Odor and Stain Remover - Permanently Removes Pet Stains and Pet Odors

As someone who has a small kitty army I am worried about them having accidents from my kids forgetting them in their rooms or just the smell the litter box gets at times. My cats ages range from about 8 months to little over 2 years old for my semi feral cat that got gifted.

So I want to make sure not just my floors smell nice but everything in my house. I use the smell remover for everything from mopping my hardwood floors to make my house smell good. I found the best mixture is to just add a few drops to my mop water along with my cleaning solution. Or when I am feeling lazy I just do quick spitz of the spray and a mop works just the same. I also am curretly having an issue with a cat watching for friends who is spraying so this is very helpful for getting that nasty cat spray smell off clothes and doors. I would buy this by the case if I could it works so well and as much as I use it.I am extremely happy I got to try this product. Its one of the best things I have ever used

Product Information *Our Commercial grade Pet Odor Remover formula removes all types of pet stains not just urine stains *Not only will our Pet Stain Remover remove pet stains and odors but stops your pet revisiting the same spot *Our enzyme based commercial strength cleaner has a fresh clean fragrance so no harsh chemical smell *Advanced formula product is formulated and manufactured in the USA and has earned the seal of approval from the Carpet and Rug Institute as being safe to use on your carpets *We believe so strongly in our Pet Urine Stain and Odor Remover that if you are not 100% satisfied with it we will return your money without question


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