Discover the Secret to Blast Fat! Speed Jump Rope Review

I received this product for my honest and unbiased review. All opinions are 100% my own.

It's been a very long time since I've jumped rope. However, I'm ready for a new weight loss method, and jumping rope is it! I wanted to incorporate a variety of exercises in my daily routine, so here begins my jump rope session #1. This Bella Naturals Speed Jump Rope is lightweight, and can be adjusted for my height. I tried jumping using the one foot and both feet method, and even alternated my feet. I notice my knees are a extremely weak, so I am careful how I use the jump rope. I can use this indoors or outdoors, but I can't wait till the snow melts. Jumping rope was a slow start for me, but my stamina is slow. I can feel my legs, knees and ankles getting stronger.
I love how the jump ropes comes with a free nylon bag to carry it in. I can take it with me on travels, or wherever I might want to exercise. This is a perfect jump rope for the serious athlete or for someone like me who needs to lose a few pounds and/or get in shape. I am loving this! I seriously forgot what fun it is to jump rope, and I'm feeling it's working for me.


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