I must say when I got to try this I wasn't sure what to think by the name . Herbal non soap cleanser ,what a novel idea wondering how well something without soap would work. It came by Fedex fairly fast shipping after I got the notice it was shipped out. my 15 yr old daughter got given the package and opened it while I was out running errands. When I got home she had already opened the package and taken a smell of the bottle. In her words " It smells so good it smells bad" , and then proceeded to use it when she took her shower for the night. Its now all she will use to wash her face. Me , I smelled it and it has a citrus smell to me , strong enough to smell but not too overpowering. I next look at the ingredients and to my surprise the first ingredient is aloe vera gel so I knew it would be good for my skin. I liked the listing of all the other organically grown ingredients in this also. ...
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