Noxicare. Natural Pain Relief

    I was given the chance to try out Noxicare , a natural pain reliever. Personally I thought this was great as a fuller figured woman with sensitive skin I often get backaches but don't want to break out or smell like I'm using something for pain relief.

   I get the cream in the mail and take a look at the ingredients. Some of them like willow bark I know the healing properties of others I'm not sure of. One of the best features of this product is there are only 7 ingredients and you can pronounce the names easily. Of course there are some sets of people like those who are pregnant , nursing or underage who should not use this due to the fact it is a medical cream.

   Now I open up the bottle and take off the foil safety cap. I take a sniff , no smell at all and a creamy white color. I try a dab on my wrist to feel the texture , rubbing it in to see how it feels.The cream is just the right texture not to heavy but just heavy enough to not leak out of the tube on accident like many of this type of product. It is not greasy and after rubbing it in can not be noticed by anyone that it is being used.

   Next for the trial of fire the actual using it on a sore area. For this I had my husband help rub it into my back as had a busy day running my neighbor , my oldest daughter's boyfriend to school and back and taking my oldest two swimming. After all this van riding my back hurt so it was a perfect time to try this. My husband slowly rubbed the cream into my back (BTW a little bit goes a long way). After a few minutes of him rubbing and the cream starting to work in the dull ache went away to where I could sleep or so I thought at the time. The real stress tester was how the effects lasted when I had to jump out of bed to run my neighbor to get seen for cutting her finger to the bone. Even after jumping out of bed the relief lasted.

    So far this product can be found only online at Noxicare . For the price compared to how long the relief lasts and how little one needs to see results it is a perfect match. I plan on buying some from them in the near future and happy I got to try this product.


  1. this sounds like a handy item to keep in your stockpile! A fist aid must! Great review TY!

  2. This is so good to know about! I need something to help my neck and shoulders, but like you cannot stand icky, smelly creams. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. At first Noxicare didn't work for me, but hubby squeezed the little that was left in the bottle on my aching back... couple mins later the pain was gone.

  4. This is great information! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Noxicare sounds great, and I love that its natural pain relief!!


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