Passion Mango Pepsi

    I must say on seeing that Pepsi had out Mango flavored diet soda I had to get a bottle to try. Now I semi like the Cherry Flavor they have out and know they have truly exotic flavors they sell overseas.

  So I grab a bottle of this as I was in the store picking up med refills and needed something to drink while waiting to pick up my 9 year old up from school. 

    I slowly take a sip and think to myself well this is different on tasting the flavor. I drink some more and even though I like fruity drinks I can tell that this is something I don't care for so I stopped drinking it.

   I finally end up giving the soda to my 9 year old when I picked her up and she seemed to really like it. My final thoughts is diet fruity cola drinks are something I'll take a pass on in the future.


  1. I hard never heard of it! I guess they aren't selling it my area.

    1. They was selling it at the Walgreen's by my house

  2. I have never seen nor heard of this, and I don't think I want to! Lol!

  3. I have never heard of it before...where did you ever find it?? My kids would like to try this too!

  4. I have never heard of that flavor of pepsi. I don't think I would like it either; just doesn't sound good.

  5. There is only 1 place I have seen so far that sells them but wonder if you can order some of the Japanese flavors

  6. I'm not a fan of diet drinks myself, but i do liek fruity drinks, maybe i will check it out


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