Goats Milk Gift Card Giveaway

    The folks that so nicely let me try their soap Goats Milk Stuff have decided to let me do a giveaway of a gift card. I am someone who has to be very careful of what I use on my skin because of allergies and I love this soap.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. No I have not tried, but I would love to try it out.

  2. I have never tried this brand but after reading your review cant wait to order

  3. I have never tried this brand but I believe I've tried goatsmilk soap from another company

  4. I have never tried it but would love to try it.

  5. No, I haven't tried it but my son and I both have very sensitive skin and would love to try it.

    cincyangel5 at yahoo dot com

  6. I have never tried it. I currently use Purpose.

    wendym at cableone dot net

  7. I have not only never used it, I've never heard of it!

  8. I'd quite like to try it, but i'm scared of any soaps, usually they make me dry and gross looking! I'll certainly try anything once!

    1. They have other things than just solid soap there

  9. I haven't! I've been using goat's milk lotion though, and switching over to natural soaps though, and would sure give soap a try!

  10. I have never used goats milk soap, or any goats milk. I had a friend who used it all the time, and said it was good .

  11. If I win I will give the card to my sister for my lil nephew aiden..he has skin problems and allergies...goat milk helps him not be itchy!! :-)

  12. I haven't but it sounds great!

  13. I do use goat milk soap that I buy at my local farmers market from a lady who raises the goats. I've never tried this brand though! :)

  14. I love goats milk soap!

  15. I've never tried goats milk but I have heard great things about it!

  16. I have never tried goats milk would love to try. I have bad allergies

  17. I haven't tried the soap, but I have used goat's milk lotion!
    Lisa Hackney
    yankssssrule08 at yahoo dot com

  18. Never heard of it before now or tried it but it sounds great.

  19. I've never used it,so I'd love to win.;)

  20. I just recently tried Goat's milk stuff soap and I love it.

  21. Sounds like a great product. Thanks for the info.

  22. I've used the goat milk soap you can buy at Cracker Barrel sometimes and liked it alot! Anne Sweden


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