Nutra-Lift Herbal Non soap Giveaway

     Not that long ago I got to try this wonderful product and I can tell you i now use it all the time. Now you can win yourself an 8 oz bottle of this wonderful smelling cleanser.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have never used a non-soap cleanser, but would love to try this one!

    1. The first ingredient is aloe so you know it keeps your skin soft.

  2. Hmm...question is what do you mean by non soap? Non detergent based? I've never used anything labeled by that but have used lotion bars :)

    1. The name of the facial cleaner is non soap as its based on more natural cleansers for the most part

  3. Nope I haven't ever used a non-soap cleanser before.

  4. I don't think I've ever used non-soap before! Maybe... not sure!


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