Kids Lac

   This is a unique product for children a Probiotic. It is in easy to use packet form where a child can mix it in with something or eat it plain like it was a pixie stick.The packets are small in size and more than 1 a day can be used for best health.Kidslac a great probiotic specially flavored for children.

   I had my 15 year old daughter test this product out and well it was interesting to say the least. Some things just do not mix with a sour apple flavor like coffee. The best things to mix this would be ice cream , yogurt , apple sauce and water. Or just eat it plain if that's how your kid likes it. 

   Of course when it starts working you may notice your child going to the bathroom more often as the good bacteria will help remove the excess junk from the digestive track.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have 3 kids and one of them I'm sure could use this product at some point, thanks for the giveaway!

  2. I'd use this for my 5 year old son.

  3. My amazing sons! Both of them! :)

  4. My three sons would use this! :)

  5. My oldest (11) has had issues since she had surgery at age 8 to remove a cyst at age 8, (she also lose an ovary, long story). Anyway, she gets tired of yogurt and doesn't like to take pills so this might actually help her keep on top of what she needs to stay regular.

    1. yeah beyond which depending on what type of pills your body gets addicted to meds that help you go to where your body won't on its own. Something that helps your body regulate itself is much better

  6. I would use it with all of my kids - 13, 9, 7, and the twins are turning 2 this weekend.

    1. Sounds like you have a busy household. Happy birthday to your twins

  7. My children would benefit from using probiotics.

  8. My nephew could use this product. Thank you for the review!


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