Happy Holidays
First off I am going to wish everyone a Happy holidays no matter which one they celebrate. It is a time for it seems to be more often these days of how much you spend on a person not the thought. Many have given up the idea behind Christmas cards which can be a way of showing others you care or a good way to catch up family photos. The holiday season has always been a time where one sees in the news how everyone does extra for those in need. Myself , I have a simple plea for my readers that may not in the course of the day outside this time of the year think about. Don't just give during the holidays, food banks are always in need. If every family just spent $5 - 10 a week on non perishable food to donate to a church or food bank it would be rare them not being able to help for running out of food. Donate decent shape clothes one does not wear to places that help those in need of clothes. Or even something simple like having extra water to hand...